Autumnal Aircom recruitment campaign in progress
We have started Dołącz do naszej drużyny! (Join our Team!) recruitment campaign. Aircom billboards are located in the headquarters’ neighbourhood, in Kąty Wrocławskie borough. We are also distributing flyers and posters endorsing working for Aircom in Kąty Wrocławskie. ‘Our goal is to be visible within our borough,’ says Paweł Koziołek, Head of Marketing and PR in Aircom. ‘Aircom has been extending its activities range rapidly, therefore we need augmented number of production workers,’ adds Małgorzata Hołowiak, Head of HR in Aircom. This is another promotional step of Aircom after local soccer team sponsorship within a brand communication strategy. Now you can find our billboards and posters in Kąty Wrocławskie, Pietrzykowice, Cesarzowice, Mokronos Dolny, and Biskupice Podgórne.

You can find our billboard location pictures in the gallery below